Payment Posting Process in Medical Billing comes out as the final crucial step of the revenue cycle management flow chart.

Payment posting in medical billing also associated with other processes that require continuous attention to detail and swift turnaround time. For an optimized revenue cycle, it is essential to maintain accuracy in payment posting. Any denial should be addressed once the payments are posted to patient accounts.

If you are looking forward to a streamlined and cost-effective medical billing payment posting service for your medical practice then your search for a reliable and trusted medical billing outsourcing service partner will end at Genesis RCS.

At Genesis RCS, we make things easier and better for you by offering an accurate and quick payment posting process. Our skilled and experienced team follows best practices in information security and quality management so that the outsourced payment posting services process is completed as per your industry standards and business requirement.

As a part of our specialized payment posting in medical billing at Genesis Revenue Circle Services, the following essential steps are carried out:

Analyzing and Reading EOB

As already discussed above, EOB contains patients’ names, accounts, and numbers, procedure codes, service dates, billed/allowed or adjusted amounts, information regarding denials and deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance, if any, etc. Once our resources receive the EOB from the insurer they do not just enter the needful details into your billing system rather we attentively through it, and deeply analyze it to investigate payment and other related patterns such as frequency of inflows, the percentage of the insurance receivable, denials, outstanding percentage of the amount, etc, and also record it carefully.

Action as per Analysis

Just after we analyze the payment receivable patterns, we swiftly direct the needful action chart to the concerned billing departments to take requisite measures for enhanced inflows. For example, it will become the patient’s responsibility to pay the balance amount if the difference between the allowed amount and the payment amount is established. Such patterns are clearly stated in EOB, why the balance amount needs to be paid by the patient, during co-payment, co-insurance, deductibles, or uncovered insurance.

At Genesis RCS, we offer comprehensive 24×7 Medical billing payment posting services. Our billing experts rapidly transfer the needful information to the concerned billing departments and allow them to collect the outstanding receivable from the patients more easily and swiftly. Our experts also keep a real-time track of the pending payment receivable as well as the status of the cash inflow so that needful actions can be taken for improved cash flow.